
Anatomy of the Red Dragon

Anatomy of the Red Dragon

  • MEME
  • Political Parody
  • Political Satire
  • Claws of the Red Dragon
  • Art + Technology

Artwork 001. 2019. Digital. Edition 1/10AP

ANATOMY OF THE RED DRAGON by Akshay Jirage Artwork 001

Artwork 002. 2019. Digital. Edition 1/10AP

ANATOMY OF THE RED DRAGON by Akshay Jirage Artwork 002

Artwork 003. 2019. Digital. Edition 1/10AP

ANATOMY OF THE RED DRAGON by Akshay Jirage Artwork 003

Artwork 004. 2019. Digital. Edition 1/10AP

ANATOMY OF THE RED DRAGON by Akshay Jirage Artwork 004

Artwork 005. 2019. Digital. Edition 1/10AP

ANATOMY OF THE RED DRAGON by Akshay Jirage Artwork 005

Artwork 006. 2019. Digital. Edition 1/10AP

ANATOMY OF THE RED DRAGON by Akshay Jirage Artwork 006

Artwork 007. 2019. Digital. Edition 1/10AP

ANATOMY OF THE RED DRAGON by Akshay Jirage Artwork 007

Artwork 008. 2019. Digital. Edition 1/10AP

ANATOMY OF THE RED DRAGON by Akshay Jirage Artwork 008

Artwork 009. 2019. Digital. Edition 1/10AP

ANATOMY OF THE RED DRAGON by Akshay Jirage Artwork 009

Artwork 010. 2019. Digital. Edition 1/10AP

ANATOMY OF THE RED DRAGON by Akshay Jirage Artwork 001

Anatomy of the Red Dragon

A series of digital images made with cutting-edge technology in response to Steve Bannon’s (Executive Producer) soon to be released film - Claws of the Red Dragon on NEW TANG DYNASTY TELEVISION. The official website says that the film is BASED ON A TRUE STORY and you can read more on their official website.

The film features the events around 2018 high-profile arrest of the Huawei CFO, Meng Wanzhou in Canada. She also happens to be the daughter of the founder and CEO of Huawei, Ren Zhengfei. She was arrested on Canadian soil while she was on her way back home to China. Ms. Meng was arrested at the request of the US, which wants her extradited to face charges of bank fraud related to an alleged breach of US sanctions against Iran by Huawei.

In an interview to The Epoch Times’ program “American Thought Leaders”, Steve Banon, the former Chief White House Strategist to the President Trump appealed that all American Citizens should watch this film. Though the film is a fiction work based on true events, The film, Bannon said, will “cause a lot of controversy. It’s going to cause a lot of conversation. That’s what we want.”

2020 US Presidential elections are just around the corner, but the US-CHINA Trade War and Hong Kong protests also dominated news cycle recently. As a student of history and for what it's worth, we must watch these developments very closely.

About the project

It’s a portfolio of cryptographically secured digital artworks. The artworks will be available in both digital and physical format and will be sold exclusively online by Akshay Jirage Studios.

About Akshay Jirage

Akshay Jirage is a multidisciplinary artist based in India. Read more here


propaganda(noun) Pronunciation UK/ˌprɒp.əˈɡæn.də/ US/ˌprɑː.pəˈɡæn.də/
information, ideas, opinions, or images, often only giving one part of an argument, that are broadcast, published, or in some other way spread with the intention of influencing people's opinions: political/wartime propaganda
At school we were fed communist/right-wing propaganda.
One official dismissed the ceasefire as a mere propaganda exercise.
Political Satire
satire(noun) Pronunciation UK /ˈsæt.aɪər/ US /ˈsæt.aɪr/
a way of criticizing people or ideas in a humorous way, especially in order to make a political point, or a piece of writing that uses this style: political satire
Her play was a biting/cruel satire on life in the 80s. [Source: Cambridge Dictionary]
Political satire is satire that specialises in gaining entertainment from politics; it has also been used with subversive intent where political speech and dissent are forbidden by a regime, as a method of advancing political arguments where such arguments are expressly forbidden.
Political satire is usually distinguished from political protest or political dissent, as it does not necessarily carry an agenda nor seek to influence the political process. While occasionally it may, it more commonly aims simply to provide entertainment. By its very nature, it rarely offers a constructive view in itself; when it is used as part of protest or dissent, it tends to simply establish the error of matters rather than provide solutions. [Source:Wikipedia]

Full Disclosure by the Artist

The ideas and images or any material associated with this project and/or projects in general by Akshay Jirage are made and published purely for entertainment purposes and with no intention of harm to any person and people at large. The acts by the artist are just artistic expressions and should be treated as one.

News Coverage

Huawei’s Arrested CFO Rose Through Ranks Despite Father's Rebuke

Executive Produced By Steve Bannon, Claws of the Red Dragon, Explosive Film Revealing Ties Between Huawei And Chinese Communist Party, Set To Be Released In September 2019